Interslab Projects manages the supply of quartz, granite and marble for large-scale construction projects and developments in Southern Africa. Bulk buying allows for affordable, reduced-unit prices on all of the brands under the Interslab umbrella.

Interslab Projects:

  • Collaborates with architects and interior designers to find material solutions to their construction and design needs
  • Assists on large projects through South Africa and Southern Africa
  • Contributes to function, quality and aesthetics through specifying quality Interslab products, including quartz, marble and granite tops.
  • Works with quantity surveyors and contractors to ensure the best pricing structures can be implemented
  • Manages the product supply chain, from specification to completion, to ensure that the project runs on time
  • Ensures the required quantities of exotic stone materials are available in advance for specific projects, to avoid stock delays
  • Supports professionals throughout the project to help ensure materials are installed successfully.

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    69 Serenade Road, Elandsfontein, Johannesburg, 1401

    P.O Box 14336, Witfield, 1467

    Tel: +27 11 822 1350

    Fax: +27 11 822 1701